Recently I tried Agile Methodology/Domain Driven Design for a small project. It simply rocks.
Some highlights
Step 1 Architecture
Step 2 Architecture
1. Non-disposable clean prototype.
It resulted in Non-disposable prototype. Nothing more connects with users like Screen Designs/Working prototype. Previously, I used to create disposable prototype, I was designing Screens backed by dummy database (by using DataControls). At the end, the prototype was so corrupted and had so bad references and bad code, We have to abandon the prototype.
Prototype fired by an Object Oriented Engine is real application (Tracer bullet)
2. Rich Middle Tier
Was able to nail process/Workflow classed early in the stage
3. Technical Feasibility
I was able to evaluate technical feasibility, efforts required and hence financial feasibility quite early in the game.
4. Agile
Having no database is really helping me at this time. Making changes to business objects and factory objects is very quick as compared to making changed to database and propagating it to middle tier. Carry less baggage in early really helps but I am reaching a point where I will need a database very soon.
5. 100 percent utilization of efforts
You may say that set up data for business objects is waste of time. Take a breath. I am using this code for my setup for tests. They will represent the functional tests and they are going to be independent of database and hence faster.
6. Free Set up for Functional Unit Tests
7. Window Forms Rock
Sometime back, Survic posted that he is going to use Windows Forms to develop prototype for Web Applications. It really shocked me. Now I see some weight in that argument. I remember that to get the docking, anchoring and other effects in older visual basic version, I have to write some very mathematics intensive routines. Now it is coming out of box.
8. Design Patterns Applied
1. Factory
2. Proxy
3. Clone
9. Application Validation Block Rocks
It is very easy to use (within one hour, I was able to set it and use it comfortably.
It is extensible enough to coexist with others custom validation manager like CLSA.
It also supports reading validation messages from Resource Files which is very essential for global applications. I highly recommended for small projects. Since it uses custom attributes and reflection, one may be careful about batch validation.
10. NHibernate
Very extensible and complex. It requires a hugh learning curve. I don't recommend it to fellow ex-VB6 developers to try in a time-critical project for first time.
11. Resharper Rocks
Excellent productiviy booster. It is must have tool for C# developers. I am going to buy a personal copy very soon. I used the evaluation copy.
12. Under Investingation
1. Windows Form Databinding
3. Licensing Software
3. Microsoft Map